Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mary's Peak

Here is Uncle Buck on our hike up Mary's Peak. We arrived later than everyone else. My Brother Kevin and family came over to our part of the valley to go to a rock show at the Polk County Fair grounds. So we went and visited with them while they ate a Burger ville. We had a great short visit. It was really nice to see themsince we had not seen them for 5 years or so. We talked about making sure we get together more often we don't live that far apart.

We met Uncle Buck at the closed gate since he came back to get his jacket. There was still some snow on the ground and it was a little cool in the shade. we walked with Uncle Buck til he decided he needed to jog up the hill ahead of us and catch up with the rest of the family. We managed to catch up to Aunt Linda with Baby, our Cousins Scott, Jasmin, Maddy and there dogs Roxanne and Penny. We had a very nice walk up the Mountain. We ate lunch at the parking lot that was not currently in use. Then we continued on up the Mountain. We had a great view of the Coast Range we could see from Crater Lake in southern Oregon to Mt. Rainer in Washington near Seattle. Here is a picture of those that made the final assent threw the snow to touch the marker at the top.
(left to right Roxanne(dog), Jasmine, Maddy, Uncle Buck, McKenzie, Randori(dog))

This is the first training hike of the year for a summer of backing trips. Thank you guys for making it such a wonderful day. McKenzie and Randori both slept on the way home.

1 comment:

  1. You seriously have an Uncle Buck?! That's GREAT! lol

    Can't believe how McKenzie has grown, Daddy got the gun ready???
